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A comparison between two different approaches in Cargo cult analysis

AutorLee Hooper
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl10 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis1,99 EUR
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Ethnologie / Volkskunde, Note: 1, Massey University, New Zealand, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Since their appearance and documentation in the South Pacific, anthropologists have found it difficult to agree on how to define cargo cults. This is due to the ambiguity of whether the practice constitutes a deviation from normal social relations and the implicit derogative nature of the word cult. By first outlining a description of what cargo cults are and how they have been classically interpreted, a comparison will be made between the theories of Leavitt (2000) and McDowell (2000), two theorists that have diverged from the classic writings on the topic. Through explaining both theorists work and comparing them, it will be concluded that a dualistic approach is necessary in gaining the most complete analysis of the cargo phenomenon and that substituting the term cargo cult with cargoism allows for a more objective approach in analysing this practice.

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