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Zählsynopse zum Buch Ben Sira

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheFontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentesISSN 1
Seitenanzahl259 Seiten
Preis109,95 EUR

Because of different versions in Hebrew and Greek manuscripts pertaining to Ben Sira, the text editions in common use partly conform to the Greek text, but some of them restore the original organization or use a new enumeration. The intention behind this synoptic enumeration is to dispel the confusion caused by differing enumerations. The synopsis is based on a reconceptualized multilingual text edition (Hebrew, Syriac, Greek, and Latin) with continuous numbering that essentially adopts and complements the Greek text in accordance with Ziegler's classic edition. This book integrates Greek editions (Ziegler, Swete, and Rahlfs), the Hebrew editions (Sefer, Beentjes), the Syriac edition (de Largarde, Mossul, Ambrosianus, Calduch-Benages, and Liesen, Peshitta-Institut in Leiden), the Latin edition (Rome and Stuttgart), the standard translation, the revised Luther text, the New Revised English Standard Version, and Sauer/JSHRZ.

The editors work at the Institut für Alt- und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (Institute for Old and New Testament Scholarship) at the University of Salzburg.

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